Air Filtration

Air Filtration Solutions for Indoor Air Quality

Airborne particles inside your home can lead to unpleasant odors, respiratory symptoms, and a variety of health risks. You can enjoy a healthier living environment with air filtration solutions from Bridge City. We offer a variety of air filtration solutions for any home.

HEPA Filters

Your home’s HVAC system already has some form of air filter that physically stops dust and other large particles from getting through. However, it may not be as effective as it could be. Bridge City installs high-efficiency particulate air filters that work on the same principles as standard filters but achieve better results.

Installing an improved air filter can keep much more dust, pollen, mold spores, and other airborne particles out of your home. This not only provides a healthy environment but also helps protect your cooling and heating systems.

Activated Carbon Filters

Many particles and contaminants can leave unpleasant odors throughout your home and can often pass through physical filters. Bridge City can install an activated carbon filter that captures these particles chemically, keeping more contaminants out of your air.

This type of filter can capture particles and a wide range of airborne chemicals that can cause odors and potential health risks. You’ll be able to enjoy a healthier and more pleasant home with activated carbon air filters.

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